
Inheritance Tax Calculator

This is a simple Japanese inheritance tax calculator. It is meant to cover the case of a foreigner in Japan receiving an inheritance from abroad with all other heirs outside of Japan.

The total value of the assets that are subject to inheritance tax.

The number of statutory heirs.

Check this box if the spouse of the deceased is one of the statutory heirs.

Japanese taxes will be majorated by 20% for non-statutory heirs.

Details of the tax calculations.
Total Applicable Assets: 0¥
Deduction amount: 36,000,000¥
Applicable assets after deduction: 0¥

Intermediate Calculations:

  • Heir #1 - 100% share
    0 × 0% - 0 = 0¥

Tax Owed by Japanese Taxpayer: 0¥

Effective Tax Rate: 0.00%

Additional Details